"Some of my customers have hair like apes, so I think the answer is yes.
But none of them have tails, at least not that I've ever seen,
so I think the answer is no."
- Sally Weaver, hair stylist |
"People used to descend from apes before Darwin figured it out.
But now everyone's so embarrased about it that it rarely happens anymore. At least not in public."
Junko Nakagawa, painter |
"There's a shocking amount of evidence to suggest that we do, but the idea
is a little scary to me. I prefer to insulate myself from such opinions."
Richard Rogers, electrical engineer |
"My dad did, but I didn't."
Nick Smith, student |
"...is this a trick question?"
Harry Whitelock, skateboarder |
Looking for answers to others of life's questions? Read what the man on the street has to say about these:
Does life exist on other planets?
Should English spelling be changed to a phonetic system?